Bulletin of Francophone Africa (Journal)

Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work typesPublication peer-review

Description of Activity

Francis Meli, Une histoire de l'ANC, in Bulletin of Francophone Africa, 1:1, Spring 1992, p.114 Etienne Balibar, Les Frontières de la démocratie, in Bulletin of Francophone Africa, 1:2, Autumn 1992, pp.109-111 Jean-Luc Einaudi, La Bataille de Paris. 17 octobre 1961;Alec G. Hargreaves, Voices from the North African Community in France. Immigration and Identity in Beur Fiction; Jacqueline Kaye (ed), Maghreb. New Writing from North Africa; all in Bulletin of Francophone Africa, 2:3, Spring 1993, pp.84-6, 90-91, 99-101 Alec G.Hargreaves & Michael J.Heffernan (eds), French and Algerian Identities from Colonial Times to the Present. A Century of Interaction, in Bulletin of Francophone Africa, 3:5, 1994, pp.84-5 Alec G. Hargreaves, La Littérature beur: un guide bio-bibliographique, in Bulletin of Francophone Africa, 3:6, 1994, p.112 Aziz Al-Azmeh, Islams and Modernities, in Bulletin of Francophone Africa, 4:7, 1995, pp.116-8 Edward Said, Orientalism. Western Conceptions of the Orient, new edition, with a new Afterword, 1995, in Bulletin of Francophone Africa, 4:8, 1995, pp.96-8
Type of journalJournal