Edinburgh-St Andrews Sexualities Conference

    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in conference

    Description of Activity

    As a PhD student, a colleague from the University of Edinburgh (now Dr Jana Funke, Exeter) and I organised a large international two-day conference on the relationship between time and sexuality. Our keynote speakers were Professor Judith Halberstam (University of Southern California), Professor Claire Colebrook (University of Edinburgh) and Professor Annamarie Jagose (University of Auckland). Over 100 delegates attended. As part of this conference, my colleague and I were successful in securing the following research funding: AHRC Collaborative Research Training Scheme (Student-Led Initiatives), £2000. The conference led to the co-edited volume Sex, Gender and Time in Fiction and Culture (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011).
    Period28 Nov 200829 Nov 2008
    Event typeConference
    LocationEdinburgh, United KingdomShow on map