Fashion Revolution Week Panel Discussion: A Vision for Radical Change

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk

    Description of Activity

    The mainstream fashion industry is built upon the exploitation of labour and natural resources. Wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of a few, and growth and profit are rewarded above all else. Big brands and retailers produce too much too fast, and manipulate us into a toxic cycle of overconsumption. Meanwhile, the majority of people that make our clothes are not paid enough to meet their basic needs, and already feel the impacts of the climate crisis - which the fashion industry fuels. As global citizens, we all have the power to take action. Fashion Revolution Week 2023 marks 10 years since the Rana Plaza tragedy. Using the 10 points of the Fashion Revolution manifesto as building blocks, a Global Network of Fashion Revolutionaries in 75 countries are bringing people together to build a vision for radical change.

    In this online panel discussion we will be exploring: “What kinds of visions for radical change do we need in the fashion industry?”

    On the panel we have:

    Kalkidan Legesse is a social entrepreneur who creates businesses aimed at doing social good. In 2021 she launched OWNI, a digital resale platform for sustainable fashion brands.

    Zoe Gilbertson is an experienced clothing designer, artist, enterprise creator and educator at the intersection of design, fashion & fibre. Looking systemically and trying to understand how we transform society through experiential practice.

    Dr. Tanveer Ahmed is a Senior Lecturer in Fashion and Race at Central Saint Martins working across the fashion programme to support decolonial fashion perspectives.

    Moderated by Dr. Lara Torres & Noorin Khamisani
    Period27 Apr 2023