French is not just France

  • Natalya Vince (Organiser)

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in workshop, seminar, course

Description of Activity

French is not just France - local schools engagement

I led on the following activity. The School of Languages and Area Studies worked in collaboration with the School of Creative Industries to deliver a two-part workshop aimed at Year 8 students. Its focus was to show why and how French is a national language of many African countries today. The workshop was organised around discussions around a large map of Africa, followed by a shadow puppet performance prepared by the students. French was used as much as possible as a supplement, drawing on students’ prior knowledge and reading strategies, to encourage students to manipulate it in a supportive and encouraging environment. They were intended to reach out to schools identified as "vulnerable" and in "cold spots" by the Routes into Languages programme (which provided funding). We delivered the workshops in three schools.
Period1 May 201620 Jul 2016
Event typeWorkshop
LocationUnited KingdomShow on map