Game Academy Podcast Episode 3: Crunch, Cyberpunk and Mass Effect 3's Ending

  • Jerrett, A. (Speaker)
  • Stephanie Farnsworth (Speaker)
  • Greg McGuinness (Invited speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesOral presentation

    Description of Activity

    On the third episode of Game Academy, Adam and Steph apologise profusely for the lateness of the episode release amidst the craziness of marking season, submissions and new puppies! In this episode, we talk all about our hot takes on video game crunch, how it could be solved, or if it's just a symptom of creative industries. Then, Steph delves deep into Cyberpunk 2077, how it's changed since release, how it influences her research and whether "bad" endings were really good endings all along. Finally, we talk a bit about the future of Mass Effect. Will we end the entire podcast because we simply can't agree on the ending? Finally, we chat to the lovely Greg McGuiness about Multiplay's upcoming Queering and Questioning conference next week. All this and more - third time's the charm - on episode 3 of Game Academy!
    Period27 May 2022
    Held atMultiplay Network, United Kingdom
    Degree of RecognitionNational


    • games
    • Podcast
    • Labour force