International Journal of Francophone Studies (Journal)

Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work typesPublication peer-review

Description of Activity

Hugh Roberts, The Battlefield. Algeria 1988-2002. Studies in a Broken Polity, for International Journal of Francophone Studies, 6:3, 2003, pp.217-219 S. Heiler, Der maghrebinische Roman, International Journal of Francophone Studies, International Journal of Francophone Studies, 10:1/2, 2007, pp.292-293 J. K. Sanaker & K. Holter, I. Skattum, La francophonie – une introduction critique, International Journal of Francophone Studies, 10 :3, 2007, pp.462-463 Alek Baylee Toumi, Madah-Sartre: The Kidnapping, Trial and Conver(sat/s)ion of Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, International Journal of Francophone Studies, 13:2, 2010, pp.346-348 Mouloud Feraon, Land and Blood (La Terre et le sang) (1953), translated by Patricia Geesey, International Journal of Francophone Studies, 16:1/2, 2013, pp.216-218
Type of journalJournal