Activity: Talk or presentation types › Oral presentation
Description of Activity
As a Small Research Grant Awardholder I was invited to present my research and experiences of the project to the Development Board members at the British Academy. The Development Board work as a high level fundraising group.
Purpose Small Research Grant (SRG) funding and securing further philanthropic funding is a British Academy priority. This dinner aims to provide an opportunity for Development Board members to find out more about the Small Research Grant scheme and to showcase the scheme in general. The dinner will be chaired by the President, Sir David Cannadine, and guests will hear from four Small Research Grant awardholders who will speak about the research their grant made possible as well as their personal journeys whilst holding an Small Research Grant. Messaging from the event will impress on Development Board members the scope and versatility of the SRG grant scheme, it’s importance in UK humanities and social science research funding as well as the personal impact of a SRG grant regardless of the career status of a researcher. The dinner aims to leave Board members feeling engaged, informed and inspired to either fund the scheme or find funders for the scheme.