Speaker at the European Sport Management Conference

  • Mondal, S. (Speaker)
  • Daniel Plumley (Speaker)
  • Rob Wilson (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesOral presentation

    Description of Activity

    Speaker on 'Conceptualising a model to measure good governance in professional football clubs.'

    The mixed method approach that will be followed in this research is an exploratory design, in which researchers build on the results of the qualitative phase by developing an instrument, identifying variables, or stating propositions for testing based on an emergent theory or framework.

    The variant of the exploratory design, that will be used in this research is the instrument development model, where the research topic is qualitatively explored with a few participants, which guide the development of items and scales for a quantitative survey instrument (Creswell et al., 2003).

    The research will build on the existing findings of Association of Summer Olympic International Federations and Plumley et al (2017) and contribute new variables to measure governance.

    Previous studies that have quantified governance indicators have placed their sole focus on NSOs, NOCs, and ISOs, which are not-for-profit organisations. This research contributes to a new area of study, where governance indicators can be measured for for-profit businesses, in this case, professional football clubs.
    Period13 Sept 2023
    Held atEuropean Sport Management Conference, Netherlands
    Degree of RecognitionInternational