Speaker at the Game Academy Podcast Episode 17: We Overslept, But At Least Pokemon Sleep Tracked It!

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesOral presentation

    Description of Activity

    Adam and Steph may have been hibernating throughout August, but at least the summer is over and their PhDs are almost done! And Steph got a new job! Yay!

    This month, they actually talk about video games. Steph discusses how FIFA/EAFC had made her fall back in love with football amidst the chaos of the Women's World Cup, while Adam regales with tales of nearly falling asleep at the wheel with Assassin's Creed: Valhalla. Why can't open world games just respect players' time?!

    In the most unlikely saviour, in swoops two MOBILE GAMES?! We also had a lot of fun playing Good Pizza, Great Pizza and Pokémon Sleep which, at the very least, do respect our time. We almost forget that Cyberpunk 2077's DLC, Phantom Liberty, was coming out, but we suddenly remember, and talk a bit about that, too! Will Adam ever play it? Maybe...
    Period30 Sept 2023
    Held atMultiplay Network, United Kingdom
    Degree of RecognitionNational


    • games
    • Podcast