Theme: Journals as actors in the academic world. Existing and Changing Roles.
Vijay Pereira (Speaker)
Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
Description of Activity
1 July 2016 Roundtable
Theme: Journals as actors in the academic world. Existing and Changing Roles.
Do journals continue to exist in the more neutral sense of or receiving, and rejecting or publishing scholarly work, or do we envisage a more proactive, even more aggressive, role for journals and their editors/editorial board members.
Should journals actively solicit, promote and create clusters of expertise? (or, does that generate the critique of promoting some areas as against others, and therefore effectively restrict a journal’s ambit in the mind of contributors). How do special issues figure in this theme?
Should they evolve new paradigms which question the ‘academic’ versus ‘non-academic’, and actively engage to bring the ‘non-academic’ into engagement with the ‘academic’. Should they redefine the established reviews structure and systems for such purposes? And what would be the publisher’s response to such reworking?
How can journals work together with an academic constituency, sharing editorial expertise, or working with shared bases.
How do we envisage a more involved relationship between journals and their contributors?