Al Jazeera (English) documentary 'Drones and the future of war'

Press/Media: Expert comment


The war in Ukraine has seen a proliferation of aerial drones for both surveillance and combat. The military advantages of these relatively cheap systems are obvious - especially for a force taking on a more conventionally powerful foe - and there is nothing so useful to a soldier as knowing what lies over a hill. But does the increasing sophistication of the technology point to a future in which artificial intelligence and autonomous weapons also become commonplace? And if that happens - what ethical questions might it raise? 

Period23 Feb 2023

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleAl Jazeera (English) documentary 'Drones and the future of war'
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media typeTelevision
    DescriptionResearch cited in the Al Jazeera documentary 'Drones and the future of war.'
    Producer/AuthorWilliam Davies
    PersonsFrank Ledwidge