Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Horses remember people's faces Media name/outlet The Week Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 14/05/18 Description Coverage of research which found horses remember people's faces and know from their expressions if they are to be avoided. Persons Leanne Proops Title Horses remember people's faces Media name/outlet Veterinary Times Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 14/05/18 Description Coverage of research which found horses remember people's faces and know from their expressions if they are to be avoided. Persons Leanne Proops Title Horses remember if you smiled or frowned when they last saw you Media name/outlet New Scientist Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 30/04/18 Producer/Author Sam Wong URL Persons Leanne Proops Title Don't frighten the horses, they never forget a face Media type Print Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 27/04/18 Producer/Author Tom Whipple Persons Leanne Proops Title Beware the long face: horses remember your mood Media name/outlet The Guardian Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 26/04/18 Producer/Author Nicola Davis URL Persons Leanne Proops Title Don't glare at your horse, scientists warn: it may hold a grudge Media name/outlet The Telegraph Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 26/04/18 Producer/Author Henry Bodkin URL Persons Leanne Proops Title Horses remember if people smiled or frowned when they last saw them and will avoid those they think are grumpy Media name/outlet Mail Online Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 26/04/18 Producer/Author Joe Pinkstone URL Persons Leanne Proops Title Horse lookin’ at you kid: study finds horses remember facial expressions of people they’ve seen before Media name/outlet My Science Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 26/04/18 Producer/Author Anna Ford URL Persons Leanne Proops Title Study: Horses read, remember human faces Media name/outlet UPI Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 26/04/18 Producer/Author Brooks Hays URL Persons Leanne Proops