Scientists develop eco friendly ingredient from agricultural waste

  • Pattanathu Rahman

    Press/Media: Research cited


    Research led by Pat Rahman discovered a way of using one of the world's most abundant natural resources as a replacement for manmade chemicals in soaps and thousands of other household products

    Period23 Sept 2019 → 16 Mar 2020

    Media coverage


    Media coverage

    • TitleTurning Agricultural Waste into Laundry Detergent
      Media name/outletInternational Environmental Technology
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionCoverage on Pattanathu Rahman, a microbial biotechnologist from the Centre for Enzyme Innovation who collaborates with an international team to develop an enzyme produced from agricultural waste that could be used as an important additive in laundry detergents
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleEnzyme benefits from agricultural waste
      Media name/outletThai Rath Online
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionArticle on Pattanathu Rahman who collaborates with an international team to develop an enzyme produced from agricultural waste that could be used as an important additive in laundry detergents
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleScientists clean up with latest research
      Degree of recognitionLocal
      Media name/outletThe News
      Media typePrint
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionNewspaper coverage of Pattanathu Rahman, a microbial biotechnologist from the Centre for Enzyme Innovation who collaborates with an international team to develop an enzyme produced from agricultural waste that could be used as an important additive in laundry detergents
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleProduction of detergents using agricultural waste
      Media name/outletIranian Students' News Agency
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionCoverage of Pattanathu Rahman, a microbial biotechnologist from the Centre for Enzyme Innovation who collaborates with an international team to develop an enzyme produced from agricultural waste that could be used as an important additive in laundry detergents
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleScientists Recycle Agricultural Waste into Laundry Enzymes
      Media name/outletLabiotech
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionArticle on Pattanathu Rahman, a microbial biotechnologist from the Centre for Enzyme Innovation, who collaborates with an international team to develop an enzyme produced from agricultural waste that could be used as an important additive in laundry detergents
      Producer/AuthorLaura Cowen
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleChemical Non-toxic Material from Biotechnology Development
      Media name/outletKoran Jakarta
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionCoverage of Pat Rahman's research which managed to find a method using one of the most abundant natural resources in the world as a substitute for man-made chemicals. This material is commonly used in soaps and thousands of other household products.
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleWaste of Rice Straw Helps to Produce Biosurfacant – A Recent Research
      Media name/outletSpecial Chem 4 Coatings Ingredients
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionCoverage of research led by Pat Rahman which has discovered a way of using one of the world's most abundant natural resources as a replacement for manmade chemicals in soaps and thousands of other household products
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleSustainable Cleaning Products Summit Europe
      Degree of recognitionInternational
      Media name/outletHousehold and Personal Products Industry Online
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      DescriptionCoverage of Pat Rahman at the European edition of the Sustainable Cleaning Products Summit in Paris giving a workshop highlighting the current and future use of these chemicals in detergents and cleaning products
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleSoap Being Made From Waste
      Media name/outletCleanLink
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      DescriptionCoverage of Scientists, including Pat Rahman at the University of Portsmouth, who have created a soap from straw and agricultural waste.
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleSustainable Cleaning Products Summit Europe
      Degree of recognitionInternational
      Media name/outletGlobal Print Monitor
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionCoverage of the Green and Biosufactants Workshop presented by Pat Rahman, relating to research into green chemicals
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleUniversity leading groundbreaking research
      Degree of recognitionLocal
      Media name/outletThe News
      Media typePrint
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionCoverage of research led by Pat Rahman which has discovered a way of using one of the world's most abundant natural resources as a replacement for man-made chemicals in soaps and thousands of other household products
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleBiosurfacant Derived from Rice Straw as Alternative to Chemicals in Soaps
      Media name/outletAZO Cleantech
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionResearch led by Pat Rahman has found a way to use one of the world’s most copious natural resources as a substitute for human-made chemicals in soaps and thousands of other domestic items
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleSoap From Agricultural Waste Could Clean Your Body And The Environment
      Degree of recognitionInternational
      Media name/outletForbes
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionArticle covering Pat Rahman's research which has led to a way of making soap from straw and other agricultural waste, and using bacteria to create the soap.
      Producer/AuthorJeff Kart
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleSoap From Agricultural Waste Could Clean Your Body And The Environment
      Degree of recognitionInternational
      Media name/outletThe World News Monitor
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionArticle covering research led by Pat Rahman that has found a way of using one of the world's most abundant natural resources as a replacement for manmade chemicals in soaps and thousands of other household products
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleRice hips instead of petroleum
      Degree of recognitionNational
      Media name/outletDeutschlandfunk Nova Online
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionCoverage of Pat Rahman's research which has resulted in a cheap and therefore a viable alternative to petroleum-based surfactants
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleSoap from straw: Scientists develop eco friendly ingredient from agricultural waste
      Media name/outletSpy Ghana
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionScientists lead by Pat Rahman have discovered a way of using one of the world’s most abundant natural resources as a replacement for manmade chemicals in soaps and thousands of other household products.
      Producer/AuthorIke Dzokpo
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleScientists Develops How To Make Soap From Rice Straw
      Media name/
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionResearch led by Pat Rahman discovered a way of using one of the world's most abundant natural resources as a replacement for manmade chemicals in soaps and thousands of other household products
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleSoap from straw – Indian scientists develop eco friendly ingredient from agricultural waste
      Media name/outletThe SME Times
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionScientists, including Pat Rahman, have discovered a way of using one of the world’s most abundant natural resources as a replacement for man made chemicals in soaps and thousands of other household products
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleSoap from straw: Scientists develop eco friendly ingredient from agricultural waste
      Media name/outletThe Long Room
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      DescriptionAn innovative research project, led by the University of Portsmouth, has demonstrated that bails of rice straw could create a 'biosurfacant', providing an alternative non-toxic ingredient in the production of a vast variety of products that normally include synthetic materials which are often petroleum based.
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleSoap from Straw – Scientists Develop Eco Friendly Ingredient from Agric Waste
      Degree of recognitionInternational
      Media name/outletAfrican Eye Report
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionScientists, including Pat Rahman of UoP, have discovered a way of using one of the world’s most abundant natural resources as a replacement for manmade chemicals in soaps and thousands of other household products.
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman
    • TitleSoap from straw – Indian scientists develop eco friendly ingredient from agricultural waste
      Media name/outletIndia Education Diary
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionAn innovative research project, led by the University of Portsmouth, has demonstrated that bails of rice straw could create a ‘biosurfacant’, providing an alternative non-toxic ingredient in the production of a vast variety of products that normally include synthetic materials which are often petroleum based.
      PersonsPattanathu Rahman