The bird that came back from the dead

    Press/Media: Research cited


    New research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution.'

    Period9 May 2019 → 5 Jun 2019

    Media coverage


    Media coverage

    • TitleMeet The Bird That Refuses To Die
      Degree of recognitionNational
      Media name/outletMedium
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      DescriptionFossils reveal that an extinct species of flightless bird returned from the dead by recolonising its former island home and evolving back into existence twice in less than 20,000 years through an unusual process known as ‘iterative evolution’
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleMeet The Bird That Refuses To Die
      Degree of recognitionInternational
      Media name/outletForbes Online
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      DescriptionContinuing coverage on new research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum that has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleIterative evolution: How a bird that went extinct came back from the dead
      Media name/outletThe Indian Express
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionCoverage on new research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleHow A Bird Came Back From The Dead
      Degree of recognitionInternational
      Media name/outletList Verse
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionContinuing coverage on new research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      Producer/AuthorRadu Alexander
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleA bird once extinct returned from the dead in a process of unusual evolution
      Degree of recognitionNational
      Media name/outletTech2
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      Descriptioncoverage on new research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleEvoluzione iterativa: un nuovo uccello che non sa volare
      Degree of recognitionNational
      Media name/outletTech Princess
      Media typeWeb
      Descriptioncoverage on new research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      Producer/AuthorMatteo Magherini
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleExtinct species of bird came back from the dead, scientists find
      Degree of recognitionNational
      Media name/outletSB Dirty South Soccer
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      DescriptionCoverage on new research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      Producer/AuthorVicki Mclaughlin
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleSurprising! Bird that went extinct 136,000 years ago has reappeared
      Media name/outletKhas Khabar
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionArticle about the study of a chicken-sized bird species that went extinct 136,000 years ago made a comeback to the earth twice due to a rare evolutionary process
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleBird That Had Gone Extinct 136,000 Years Ago Comes Back To Life
      Media name/outletWonderful Engineering
      Media typeWeb
      Descriptioncoverage on new research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      Producer/AuthorThe Engineer
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleThis Extinct Species Of Bird Came Back From The Dead, Scientists Say
      Media name/outletSimple Most
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      DescriptionA previously extinct species of bird returned from the dead, reclaiming the island it previously lived on and re-evolving itself back into existence, scientists have said
      Producer/AuthorRob Picheta
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleProcess Of Evolution Brings Extinct Bird ‘Back To Life’
      Media name/outletValue Walk
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      DescriptionCoverage on new research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      Producer/AuthorDanica Simic
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleExtinct bird resurrected as evolution starts over again
      Degree of recognitionLocal
      Media name/outletClick Lancashire
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionCoverage on new research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      Producer/AuthorJames Marshall
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleThis bird evolved into existence twice: thousands of years apart
      Media name/outletTech2
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      DescriptionCoverage on new research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleExtinct bird 'came back from dead' 30,000 years after flood
      Degree of recognitionNational
      Media name/outletEvening Standard
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      Descriptioncoverage on research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      Producer/AuthorMegan White
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleIn the Seychelles found resurgent birds
      Media name/outletThe Bobr Times
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      DescriptionCoverage on research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleBird evolves back from extinction
      Media name/outletCentral & North Burnett Times
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      DescriptionAn extinct bird has risen from the dead thanks to a rare evolutionary process, according to new research.
      Producer/AuthorCharlotte Edwards
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleThis Bird Evolved into Existence Twice — Thousands of Years Apart
      Media name/outletLive Science
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      Descriptioncoverage on research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      Producer/AuthorYasemin Saplakoglu
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleScientists find ‘extinct’ bird reappeared 30,000 years later through evolution Read more: Twitter: | Facebook:
      Degree of recognitionNational
      Media name/outletThe Metro
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionAn extinct species has seemingly come back to life when it appeared on an island thousands of years later.
      Producer/AuthorJeff Parsons
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleThis Bird Came Back From the Dead—Twice
      Degree of recognitionInternational
      Media name/
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      DescriptionArticle about research into a previously extinct bird species that evolved back into existence
      Producer/AuthorStephanie Mlot
      PersonsDavid Martill
    • TitleExotic Flightless Bird Evolves Back For First Time in 136,000 Years
      Media name/outletThe Epoch Times
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      DescriptionA bird thought to have evolved away from being flightless thousands of years ago is once again unable to fly, researchers have discovered.
      Producer/AuthorRichard Szabo
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleA once-extinct bird returned from the dead in a rare evolution process
      Media name/outletMashable
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      DescriptionArticle about a rare event called iterative evolution, in which the process of evolution from a same ancestor is repeated along different points in history
      Producer/AuthorJohnny Lieu
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleThis Bird Went Extinct, Then Evolution Recreated It
      Media name/outletGizmodo
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      Descriptioncoverage on new research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      Producer/AuthorRyan F. Mandelbaum
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleOpsigtsvækkende fossilfund: Uddød fugleart 'genopstod' fra de døde
      Degree of recognitionNational
      Media name/outletVidenskab
      Media typeWeb
      Descriptioncoverage on new research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      Producer/AuthorAndre Skriver
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • Title'Back From the Dead': Bird That Went Extinct 136,000 Years Ago Has Reappeared
      Degree of recognitionNational
      Media name/outletIBNLive
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionIterative evolution happens when the same or similar structures evolve out of the same common ancestor, but at different times – meaning that the animal actually comes about twice over, completely separately.
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleHow Evolution Brought a Flightless Bird Back From Extinction
      Media name/outletSmithsonian
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited States
      DescriptionFossil remains offer rare evidence of a phenomenon known as ‘iterative evolution'
      Producer/AuthorBrigit Katz
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleBiologie: Diese ausgestorbene Vogelart hat von der Evolution eine zweite Chance bekommen
      Media name/outletKlamm
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionDie Evolution ist ein beeindruckender Prozess. Forscher haben nun eine der seltenen Gelegenheiten entdeckt, bei denen die Evolution einer Art sogar eine zweite Chance gibt: Die Rede ist von einer Vogelart, die vor etwa 136.000 Jahren ausstarb, nur um später wieder zu entstehen.
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleFlightless birds went extinct on a group of islands and then evolved again
      Media name/outletDaily Times Online
      DescriptionFlightless birds living on a group of isolated coral islands went totally extinct more than 100,000 years ago. Now, flightless birds once again live there, having re-evolved from the same ancestral species.
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleOva ptica je izumrla pre 136.000 godina, a sada se ponovo pojavila!
      Degree of recognitionNational
      Media name/outletTelegraf Srbija
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionRedak primer fenomena koji se naziva iterativna evolucija
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleDiese Vogelart ist ausgestorben – und dann wieder neu entstanden
      Media name/outletVice
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionWie es schon bei 'Jurassic Park' hieß: Das Leben findet einen Weg.
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleExtinct bird 'back from the dead' after re-evolving thousands of years later
      Degree of recognitionNational
      Media name/outletThe Mirror
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionA flightless bird that became extinct when its home island became flooded by the sea "came back to life" when a similar species evolved in the same location, scientists have discovered
      Producer/AuthorBen Mitchell
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleEvolution brought rare flightless bird species back from the dead
      Degree of recognitionInternational
      Media name/outletUnited Press International
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionNew research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      Producer/AuthorBrook Hays
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleFlightless bird ‘back from the dead’ over 10,000 years after becoming extinct
      Degree of recognitionNational
      Media name/outletThe Irish Sun
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionAn extinct bird has risen from the dead thanks to a rare evolutionary process, according to new research.
      Producer/AuthorCharlotte Edwards
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleScientists discover bird that came back from the dead
      Degree of recognitionInternational
      Media name/outletSky News
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionScientists have discovered a species of bird which was previously extinct is alive again thanks to an extremely rare process called "iterative evolution."
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleThis Bird Went Extinct and Then Evolved Into Existence Again
      Degree of recognitionInternational
      Media name/outletVice
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionNew research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      Producer/AuthorBecky Ferreira
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleExtinct flightless bird came 'back from the dead' because of a quirky evolutionary process
      Degree of recognitionInternational
      Media name/outletFox News
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionNew research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution.'
      Producer/AuthorChris Ciaccia
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume
    • TitleScientists discover bird that came back from the dead
      Media name/outletPanda Radio
      Media typeWeb
      Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
      DescriptionNew research carried out by David Martill and Julian Hume from the Natural History Museum has shown that the last surviving flightless species of bird, a type of rail, in the Indian Ocean had previously gone extinct but rose from the dead thanks to a rare process called 'iterative evolution'
      PersonsDavid Martill, Julian P. Hume