Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Caffeine Addicts Better at Detecting Coffee Aromas Media name/outlet Asharq Al-Awsat Media type Web Country/Territory United Arab Emirates Date 30/05/19 Description According to a new research published in the Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology journal, people who drink a lot of coffee are the fastest in smelling it URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Habitual coffee drinkers really do wake up and smell the coffee Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Uncova Media type Web Country/Territory Nigeria Date 26/05/19 Description Research led by Lorenzo Stafford has found that regular coffee drinkers can smell even tiny amounts of coffee and found that the more they craved the drink, the better their ability to smell it became Producer/Author Uncova URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title How Do Cravings Affect Senses? Media name/outlet Labmate Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 25/05/19 Description Research led by Lorenzo Stafford has found that regular coffee drinkers can smell even tiny amounts of coffee and found that the more they craved the drink, the better their ability to smell it became Producer/Author Labmate URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Love the smell of a cup of coffee? Here's what that reveals about you Media name/outlet Health 24 Media type Web Country/Territory South Africa Date 22/05/19 Description According to a recent study, there's evidence that 'java junkies' are more sensitive to the smell of coffee. URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Love the smell of a cup of coffee? Here's what that reveals about you Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Health 24 Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 21/05/19 Description New research led by Lorenzo Stafford has found that regular coffee drinkers can smell even tiny amounts of coffee and found that the more they craved the drink, the better their ability to smell it became, and the results could lead to new ways of using aversion therapy to treat people addicted to substances with a distinct smell such as tobacco or cannabis URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Love the Smell of a Cup o' Joe? Here's What That Reveals About You Media name/outlet Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 20/05/19 Description The higher the caffeine use, the quicker a person can recognise the odour of coffee Producer/Author Julia Zhang URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Attraction to smell of coffee may help addiction treatment Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet HealthDay News Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 18/05/19 Description Coffee drinkers can sniff out even tiny amounts of coffee, and the more they drink, the better they can smell it which has powerful implications for treating addictions URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title The Extraction Is Going Shopping for a New Watch Media name/outlet Daily Coffee News Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 17/05/19 Description Coverage of research by Lorenzo Stafford which found coffee drinkers not only recognise the smell of coffee faster than non-drinkers, they smell it more strongly Producer/Author Howard Bryman URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Love the Smell of a Cup o’ Joe? Here’s What That Reveals About You Media name/outlet Doctors Lounge Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 17/05/19 Description Coffee drinkers can sniff out even tiny amounts of coffee, and the more they drink, the better they can smell it URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Love the Smell of a Cup o' Joe? Here's What That Reveals About You Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet HON news Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 17/05/19 Description Coffee drinkers can sniff out even tiny amounts of coffee, and the more they drink, the better they can smell it, British researchers say Producer/Author Robert Preidt URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Love the Smell of a Cup o' Joe? Here's What That Reveals About You Media name/outlet Medicine Net Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 17/05/19 Description Java junkies can sniff out even tiny amounts of coffee, and the more they drink, the better they can smell it, British researchers say Producer/Author Robert Preidt URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Kto jest wrażliwy na zapach kawy? Media name/outlet Interia Mam Dziecko Media type Web Country/Territory Poland Date 17/05/19 Description Reports on the latest research by Lorenzo Stafford which found coffee drinkers were faster at detecting the scent of coffee URL,nId,2993691?utm_source=Dziecko&utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=RSS Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Caffeine Cravers Really Do Wake Up and Smell the Coffee Media name/outlet Medical Research News Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 17/05/19 Description Interview with Lorenzo Stafford about study which found coffee drinkers were faster at detecting the scent of coffee Producer/Author URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Coffee Addicts Really Do Wake Up and Smell the Coffee Media name/outlet Technology Networks Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 15/05/19 Description New research led by Lorenzo Stafford has found that regular coffee drinkers can smell even tiny amounts of coffee and found that the more they craved the drink, the better their ability to smell it became, and the results could lead to new ways of using aversion therapy to treat people addicted to substances with a distinct smell such as tobacco or cannabis URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Coffee drinkers really do 'wake up and smell the coffee' Degree of recognition Regional Media name/outlet The Breeze Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 15/05/19 Description A study by staff at the University of Portsmouth has found coffee addicts really do 'wake up and smell the coffee'. URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Kaffeeduft: Verlangen sensibilisiert die Nase Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Scinexx Media type Web Country/Territory Germany Date 15/05/19 Description Je größer die Kaffeelust, desto besser erkennen wir das typische Aroma Producer/Author Daniela Albat URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title The power of aroma wakes up habitual coffee drinkers Media name/outlet The Week Media type Web Country/Territory India Date 15/05/19 Description Regular coffee drinkers are faster at recognising its aroma compared to non-drinkers Producer/Author PTI URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Habitual coffee drinkers really do wake up and smell the coffee Degree of recognition Regional Media name/outlet The Breeze (East Hampshire) Media type Radio Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 15/05/19 Description Coverage of research led by Lorenzo Stafford has found that regular coffee drinkers can smell even tiny amounts of coffee and found that the more they craved the drink, the better their ability to smell it became, and the results could lead to new ways of using aversion therapy to treat people addicted to substances with a distinct smell such as tobacco or cannabis Producer/Author The Breeze URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Coffee addicts better at recognising its aroma new research suggests Media name/outlet Bailiwick Express Media type Web Country/Territory Jersey Date 15/05/19 Description Coverage of Lorenzo Stafford's study into aroma and addiction URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Coffee addicts are more sensitive to the smell of coffee Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Media type Web Country/Territory Australia Date 15/05/19 Description Coverage of Lorenzo Stafford's study into coffee aroma and addiction Producer/Author Alina Shrourou URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Coffee addicts wake up and smell the coffee Media name/outlet A Market Journal Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 14/05/19 Description Coverage of research led by Lorenzo Stafford has found that regular coffee drinkers can smell even tiny amounts of coffee and found that the more they craved the drink, the better their ability to smell it became, and the results could lead to new ways of using aversion therapy to treat people addicted to substances with a distinct smell such as tobacco or cannabis Producer/Author Shreyas Tanna URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Caffeine addiction boosts ability to smell faint traces of coffee Media name/outlet Slash Gear Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 14/05/19 Description research led by Lorenzo Stafford has found that regular coffee drinkers can smell even tiny amounts of coffee and found that the more they craved the drink, the better their ability to smell it became, and the results could lead to new ways of using aversion therapy to treat people addicted to substances with a distinct smell such as tobacco or cannabis Producer/Author Brittany A. Roston URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Habitual coffee drinkers really do wake up and smell the coffee Media name/outlet Science Daily Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 14/05/19 Description Coverage of research led by Lorenzo Stafford has found that regular coffee drinkers can smell even tiny amounts of coffee and found that the more they craved the drink, the better their ability to smell it became, and the results could lead to new ways of using aversion therapy to treat people addicted to substances with a distinct smell such as tobacco or cannabis URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Coffee addicts better at recognising its aroma, new research suggests Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Irish Examiner Media type Web Country/Territory Ireland Date 14/05/19 Description Coverage of Lorenzo Stafford's study in to how coffee drinkers can smell even tiny amounts of coffee and found that the more they craved the drink URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Coffee Addicts Really do Wake Up and Smell Coffee Media name/outlet Mindzilla Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 14/05/19 Description Coverage of research led by Lorenzo Stafford has found that regular coffee drinkers can smell even tiny amounts of coffee and found that the more they craved the drink, the better their ability to smell it became Producer/Author Mindzilla URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Habitual Coffee Drinkers Can Sniff Out Even Tiny Amounts of Coffee: Here’s How Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Med India Media type Web Country/Territory India Date 14/05/19 Description Coverage of research led by Lorenzo Stafford has found that regular coffee drinkers can smell even tiny amounts of coffee and found that the more they craved the drink, the better their ability to smell it became Producer/Author Adeline Dorcas URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford Title Caffeine addicts can literally wake up and smell the coffee Media name/outlet Silicon Republic Media type Web Country/Territory Ireland Date 14/05/19 Description Coverage of research led by Dr Lorenzo Stafford has found that regular coffee drinkers can smell even tiny amounts of coffee and found that the more they craved the drink, the better their ability to smell it became Producer/Author Colm Gorey URL Persons Lorenzo Stafford