Dataset: 'Hurricane Maria and Dominica: geomorphological change and infrastructure damage baseline surveys: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) data processed using Structure from Motion'.



Topographical and orthophotograph data sets created using Structure from Motion (SfM) from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) data, presented as Orthophotographs (image and world file), Digital Surface Models (DSM) (image and world file), and point clouds (LAS format) using EPSG 32620 projection. The data was collected at selected sites on Dominica, Caribbean in January/February 2018 as part of a NERC funded project (NE/RO16968/1) to conduct geomorphological change and infrastructure damage baseline surveys following hurricane Maria. The data was flown using either a DJI Phantom 3 or 4, as indicated by the file name. If the file name includes 'NoGCP' in the file name the data uses the internal GPS and altitude of the DJI UAV. This means the data is not positionally accurate in absolute terms and should not be used in direct comparison to other georeferenced data. If the file name includes 'GCP' then the data was georeferenced using ground control derived from UAV data provided by the University of Michigan. This data is deemed accurate in absolute terms. (World Bank. 2018 Aug 31; Geotechnical Engineering Research Report(UMGE-2018/01))
Date made available5 Apr 2019
Temporal coverage25 Jan 2018 - 2 Feb 2018
Date of data production25 Jan 2018 - 2 Feb 2018
Geospatial point 15.4000, -61.350Show on map
Geospatial polygon 15.5200, -61.4500,

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