Dataset: In situ absorption and attenuation coefficients measured in the Barents Sea during spring 2018, as part of Arctic PRIZE, Changing Arctic Ocean cruise HH180423.

  • David McKee (Creator)
  • Ina Kostakis (University of Strathclyde) (Creator)
  • Rüdiger Röttgers (Data Collector)



In situ total non-water absorption and attenuation coefficients were measured by Dr. David McKee and team (University of Strathclyde; Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht) to characterise the optical properties of the Barents Sea. Measurements were conducted during the Arctic PRIZE spring (Arpil-May 2018) cruise HH180423 as part of the Changing Arctic Ocean programme. Profiles of in situ absorption and attenuation coefficients at 9 different wavelengths across the visible and near-infrared range were measured with a WET Labs AC-9 instrument and deployed from the research vessel, Helmer Hanssen.
Date made available22 Jan 2020
PublisherBritish Oceanographic Data Centre
Date of data production23 Apr 2018 - 5 May 2018

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