Supplementary data for 'The effects of wastewater effluent on multiple behaviours in the amphipod, Gammarus pulex'.

  • Adrian Love (Creator)
  • Neil Crooks (Creator)
  • Alex Ford (Creator)



    This copy of the Supplementary Material is subject to the same embargo as the post-print and will be available here from 20/08/21.

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    Supplementary Table 1 Details of WwTW selected for Chickenhall and Fullerton sampling sites (CEFAS, 2015)

    Supplementary Table 2 PPCP contents (µg l-1) of Chickenhall WwTW effluent 2010 -2011 (reproduced from Chemical Investigation Programme, 2010)

    Supplementary Table 3: Water quality (mean ± SD) conditions during acclimation and behavioural trials
    Date made available20 Aug 2020
    PublisherElsevier BV

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