Supplementary material for 'Detection and characterisation of Eemian marine tephra layers within the sapropel S5 sediments of the Aegean and Levantine Seas'.
Wulf, S. (Creator), Grant, K. M. (Creator), Satow, C. (Creator), Schulz, H. (Creator), Mallon, A. (Creator), Matthews, I. (Creator), Lowe, J. (Creator) (13 Mar 2020). Supplementary material for 'Detection and characterisation of Eemian marine tephra layers within the sapropel S5 sediments of the Aegean and Levantine Seas'. MDPI AG. Supp(.xlsx), Supp(y.xls), Supp(.docx), Supp(n.pdf). 10.3390/quat3010006