Supplementary material for 'How does virtual reality simulation compare to simulated practice in the acquisition of clinical psychomotor skills for pre-registration student nurses? A systematic review.'

  • Sue Rourke (Creator)



    This copy of the Supplementary Material is subject to the same embargo as the post-print and will be available here from 14/11/20.

    File content:
    Supplementary material Table 1. Definition of terms.
    Supplementary Table 2. Final articles for inclusion in review.
    Supplementary Table 3. Results of critical appraisal.
    Supplementary Table 4. Cognitive gain scores.
    Supplementary Table 5. Number of participants who successfully demonstrated the skill after intervention.
    Supplementary Table 6. Mean time taken for participants to complete the skill after intervention.
    Date made available14 Nov 2019
    PublisherElsevier BV

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