Supplementary material for 'Intuitive statistical inferences in chimpanzees and humans follow Weber’s law'.

  • Johanna Eckert (Creator)
  • Josep Call (Creator)
  • Jonas Hermes (Creator)
  • Esther Herrmann (Creator)
  • Hannes Rakoczy (Creator)



    This copy of the Supplementary Material is subject to the same licence as the post-print, CC BY-NC-ND

    If your organisation has a subscription for the journal publisher (sometimes termed ‘authorised user’ or similar), the supplementary files are available online (see link below).

    The content of the supplementary files includes:
    Supplementary material 1:
    Detailed methods, results and discussion
    1. Subjects
    2. Materials and Procedure
    SI Fig.1
    3. Coding and Data Analysis
    4. Results
    SI Table 1
    SI Fig. 2
    SI Fig. 3
    SI Fig. 4

    Supplementary material 2:
    Chimp data

    Supplementary material 3:
    Human data
    Date made available1 Nov 2018
    PublisherElsevier BV

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