Supplementary material for 'Multiscale model of the role of grain boundary structures in the dynamic intergranular failure of polycrystal aggregates'.

  • Andres Galvis Rodriguez (Creator)
  • Pedro A. Santos-Flórez (Contributor)
  • Paulo Sollero (Supervisor)
  • Maurice de Koning (Supervisor)
  • Luiz C. Wrobel (Supervisor)



This is the supplementary material required to reproduce the findings of the refereed paper. Instructions for the data acquisition of the meshed polycrystalline structure used in this work are provided. The LAMMPS scripts for the minimization energy and failure tests are described in detail. In order to use these scripts, all the grain boundaries are listed with adequate information to be reproduced using the GBstudio. The data of the grain boundary energy and failure criterion is presented in some interactive Matlab figures. Finally, the simulations of atomistic and mesoscale failure shown in the related article.
Date made available1 Feb 2020
PublisherMendeley Data
Date of data production1 Feb 2020

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