Supporting information for 'Cognitive impairment is independently associated with mortality, extended hospital stays and early readmission of older people with emergency hospital admissions: a retrospective cohort study'.

  • Carole Fogg (Creator)
  • Paul Meredith (Creator)
  • David Culliford (Creator)
  • Jackie Bridges (Creator)
  • Claire Spice (Creator)
  • Peter Griffiths (Creator)



The ethics and governance permissions for this study do not include sharing of the dataset.

However the following supplementary information is available (subject to an embargo date of 08/02/20):

Supplementary Table 1.
Univariable logistic regression of predictors of (i) death in hospital, (ii) death in hospital and within 30 days of discharge and (iii) readmission within 30 days (for patients discharged alive from hospital)

Figure 1.
Unadjusted and adjusted cumulative incidence frequencies for time to discharge according to cognitive impairment category
Date made available8 Feb 2019
PublisherElsevier BV

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