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Premier League losing its competitive balance
Adam Cox
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Expert comment
Survival of diver Rob Hewitt who floated alone in the sea off the New Zealand Coast for 75 hours
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Expert comment
Liverpool now has record numbers of people out of work and rough sleeping is a growing problem
11/12/17 → 11/01/18
2 Media contributions
Press/Media: Expert comment
Historic dockyard boosting Portsmouth economy
Alan Leonard & Adam Cox
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Research cited
A SPORTS scientist is on a mission to help people in the UK avoid illness
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Expert comment
A remarkable tale of a man who came back from the dead in cold conditions.
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Expert comment
Dogs make more facial expressions when humans are watching.
Kaminski, J., Morris, P. & Waller, B.
19/10/17 → 19/12/17
37 items of Media coverage, 4 Media contributions
Press/Media: Research cited
New study finds link between walk and aggression
Liam Satchell
13/09/16 → 18/12/17
3 items of Media coverage
Press/Media: Research cited
Blood thinner heparin has been found to help improve breathing when inhaled by people with COPD
Jan Shute
2 Media contributions
Press/Media: Expert comment
RITA - an avatar that appears on a phone or tablet and can interact with older people to cater for their needs
Wendy Powell
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research cited
Crib-biting in horses might be related to a lack of trace element selenium in their diets
Parker, M.
14/11/17 → 23/11/17
4 items of Media coverage, 1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Expert comment
Overcoming the blood brain barrier
Maherally, Z. & Pilkington, G.
19/09/17 → 18/11/17
11 items of Media coverage
Press/Media: Research cited
Fraud costing the UK economy £193bn a year
25/05/16 → 13/11/17
16 items of Media coverage, 4 Media contributions
Press/Media: Research cited
Melbourne cup gamblers urged to watch out for scams
6/11/17 → 7/11/17
3 Media contributions
Press/Media: Expert comment
How blocking your sense of smell may help you lose weight by prompting the body to burn food rather than store it
31/10/17 → 31/10/17
2 Media contributions
Press/Media: Research cited
The Body's method of staying alive
18/09/17 → 9/10/17
2 Media contributions
Press/Media: Expert comment
New optometry courses in demand
Malcolm Maciver
1/09/17 → 26/09/17
3 Media contributions
Press/Media: Expert comment
Portsmouth researchers to share in funding to tackle air pollution in Sub-Saharan Africa
Bowyer, C., Farrer, J. & Chauhan, A.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Research cited
Sports people can face retirement identity crisis
14/09/17 → 21/09/17
3 items of Media coverage, 1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Research cited