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The Social Impact of Organizations: Leveraging the Power of People
Araci, O. (PI)
5/05/25 → 4/02/26
Project: Research
Inclusive Impact: Addressing Barriers to Research Excellence
Araci, O. (PI)
1/05/25 → 28/02/26
Project: Research
Investigating how accountants use information on beneficial ownership to manage money-laundering and terrorist-financing risk
Gilmour, P. (PI) & Pandey, D. (CoI)
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
1/04/25 → 31/03/26
Project: Research
Enhancing maritime safety: developing an accessible real-time semantic wave imaging analyser for seakeeping
Huang, Y. (PI), Bucchi, A. (CoI) & Yu, H. (CoI)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
10/03/25 → 9/09/27
Project: Research
KTP Citizens Advice Arun and Chichester £235,516,57
Sekhon, J. (CoI), Haig, E. (PI) & Khusainov, R. (CoI)
3/03/25 → 1/05/27
Project: Innovation
To develop new packaging framework, process and innovation in new product packaging and to develop consumer data profiling, including large data analytics, social media analysis and strategic data analytics.
Simms, C. (PI), Ozcan, S. (CoI), Dhakal, H. (CoI), Benfell, A. (CoI), Molnar, A. (CoI) & Atanassova, I. (CoI)
Project: Research
Musical Theatre and All That Jazz Research Network
Burrows, G. (PI) & Gebhardt, N. (CoI)
Arts & Humanities Research Council
Project: Research
X-ray biomechanical imaging and digital volume correlation of bone: from osteoregeneration to structure
Tozzi, G., Pani, M. & Barber, A.
Project: Research
SO-WARM: Studying past Southern Ocean coccolithophores during warm intervals for future climate change solutions
Saavedra Pellitero, M., Storey, C. & Dunkley Jones, T.
Project: Research
STINA: Stina & the Wolf - UNREAL short film "The Aunt's House"
Charisse, P. (PI), Ware-Heine, F. (CoI) & Counsell, A. (CoI)
Project: Innovation
A Mixed Methods Investigation of the Benefits of Cage Cricket for Physically Inactive and Socially Isolated Older Adults
Witcher, C. (PI)
Project: Research
Physical activity opportunities in long-term care in Alberta, Canada
Witcher, C. (PI)
Project: Research
Youth Offending Prevention: Enhancing Communication through Lego
Scalpello, M. (PI) & Stevens, L. (CoI)
Project: Innovation
New product development with Hippeas
Simms, C. (PI), Trott, P. (CoI), Frei, R. (CoI) & Ford, N. (CoI)
Project: Research
CERR: Colloquium on European Research in Retailing 2023
Sit, J., Acuti, D. & Nieto-Garcia, M.
Project: Research
High Resolution Structure Associated with the 'Mono Lake' Event: New 14C Data from Tenaghi Philippon, Greece.
Staff, R. A., Hardiman, M. & Pross, J.
Project: Research
Using the Future to Discover the Past: Genotyping the Mary Rose Archer
Gibbons, K. (PI)
Project: Research