12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Emma Dalton with the persons below:
Tina Wallbridge
- Faculty of Creative & Cultural Industries, School of Architecture, Art and Design - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Rachael Brown
- Faculty of Creative & Cultural Industries, School of Architecture, Art and Design - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Martin Andrews
- Faculty of Creative & Cultural Industries - Associate Dean (Global Engagement and Education Partnerships)
Person: Academic
Nicola Crowson
- Faculty of Creative & Cultural Industries, School of Architecture, Art and Design - Academic Lead, Associate Head
Person: Academic
Roberto Braglia
- Faculty of Creative & Cultural Industries, School of Architecture, Art and Design - Academic Lead (Global)
Person: Academic
Martin Brock
- Faculty of Business & Law, School of Organisations, Systems and People - Associate Head (Students)
Person: Academic
Chris Wells
- Faculty of Science & Health, School of Dental, Health and Care Professions - Programme lead (HCPC)
Person: Academic
Becky Quew-Jones
- Faculty of Business & Law - Faculty Learning and Teaching Coordinator
Person: Academic
Lynne Mesher
- Faculty of Creative & Cultural Industries, School of Architecture, Art and Design - Head of Portsmouth School of Architecture and Design
Person: Academic
Rebecca Galbraith
- Faculty of Creative & Cultural Industries, School of Architecture, Art and Design - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Paula Craft-Pegg
- Faculty of Creative & Cultural Industries, School of Architecture, Art and Design - Principal Lecturer
Person: Academic