6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Hongjie Ma with the persons below:
Rich Boakes
- Faculty of Technology, School of Computing - Associate Head (Infrastructure and Resource)
Person: Academic
John Chiverton
- Faculty of Technology, School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Matt Dennis
- Faculty of Technology, School of Computing - Associate Head (Student Experience)
Person: Academic
Sercan Ozcan
- Faculty of Business & Law, School of Strategy, Marketing and Innovation - Professor of Innovation and Technology Management, Associate Head (Research and Innovation)
Person: Academic
Edward Smart
- Faculty of Technology, School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering - Principal Research Fellow
- Centre of Excellence in Defence, Risk & Resilience
- Centre for Blue Governance
- Centre for Operational Research & Logistics
Person: Research, Associate