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Enhancing the chemistry experience in professional medicine degree programmes in Malawi
15/01/19 → …
Project: Research
Request for analytical service: Silver Crane
Barbu, E. & Smith, J.
11/01/18 → 12/01/18
Project: Innovation
ROS and mitochondrial genetic abnormalities as novel indicators for anti-cancer drug sensitivity
1/10/17 → 30/09/21
Project: Research
Developing novel targeted actives for the boron neutron capture therapy of brain tumours
Smith, J. & Tsibouklis, J.
1/02/17 → 31/01/23
Project: Research
Therapeutic effects of biguanides on brain tumours
Smith, J. (PI), Higgins, S. (CoI) & Hill, R. (CoI)
3/10/16 → 30/09/19
Project: Research
Properties and performance of materials for marine cable connector assemblies
1/10/14 → 1/06/19
Project: Research
AFM Training in relation to adhesion mapping of human hair sections
16/07/12 → 20/07/12
Project: Innovation
Formulation and preliminary evaluation of delivery vehicles for the boron neutron capture therapy of cancer
Smith, J. & Tsibouklis, J.
1/09/09 → 20/03/15
Project: Research
Towards the determination of surface energy at the nanoscale
Smith, J., Barbu, E. & Tsibouklis, J.
1/09/06 → 31/08/09
Project: Research
Structure-function analysis of a multifunctional enzyme using the atomic force microscope
1/09/06 → 31/08/10
Project: Research
A study of the incorporation of antischistosomiasis drugs into polyheterocycles and DFT calculations on polymer precursors
1/09/05 → 31/08/10
Project: Research
AFM/LFM evaluation of 'a commercial product'
Smith, J. & Breakspear, S.
1/09/03 → 30/09/03
Project: Innovation
Formulated muco-regulatory agents in the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis
Smith, J. & Shute, J.
1/09/02 → 31/08/06
Project: Research
Enhancing the chemistry experience of pharmacy students
Smith, J., Chalke, J. & Gagnon, J.
5/10/16 → 1/11/17
Project: Research