6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Richard Heald with the persons below:
Joe Sekhon
- Faculty of Business & Law, School of Law - Associate Head (Research and Innovation)
- Future of Law, Innovation and Technology Research Centre
- Centre for Innovative and Sustainable Finance
Person: Academic
Paul Trott
- Faculty of Business & Law, School of Strategy, Marketing and Innovation - Professor of Innovation Management
- Future of Law, Innovation and Technology Research Centre
Person: Academic
Pinelopi Giosa
- Faculty of Business & Law, School of Law - Senior Lecturer
- Centre for Innovative and Sustainable Finance
Person: Academic
James Hand
- Faculty of Business & Law, School of Law - Reader in Law, Associate Head (Research & Innovation)
- Future of Law, Innovation and Technology Research Centre
- Centre for Innovative and Sustainable Finance
Person: Academic
Jim Smith
- Faculty of Science & Health, School of the Environment and Life Sciences - Professor of Environmental Science
- Future of Law, Innovation and Technology Research Centre
Person: Academic