7 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Sophie Hanspal with the persons below:
Sasee Pallikadavath
- Faculty of Science & Health, School of Dental, Health and Care Professions - Professor of Demography and Global Health
- University of Portsmouth Ageing Network
Person: Academic
Helena Herrera
- Faculty of Science & Health, School of Medicine, Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Carolina Machuca Vargas
- Faculty of Science & Health, School of Dental, Health and Care Professions - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Meg Thomas
- Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice - Senior Teaching Fellow
Person: Academic
Lisa Farley
- Faculty of Science & Health, School of Dental, Health and Care Professions - Senior Teaching Fellow
Person: Academic