Timothy Exell

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Rehabilitation following Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction

Causes and implications of biomechanical asymmetry during sport and exercise

Personal profile


I am a Senior Lecturer in Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Science within the School of Psychology, Sport and Health Sciences. I completed my undergraduate degree in Sport and Exercise Science and PhD investigating biomechanical asymmetry during running at Cardiff Metropolitan University (2003 -2010). I then undertook an EPSRC funded post-doctoral research position at the University of Southampton, investigating the use of novel marker-less tracking technologies and functional electrical stimulation in stroke rehabilitation. In 2013, I was appointed as a Lecturer in Biomechanics at Cardiff Met before moving back to the south coast and joining the University of Portsmouth in 2015. I am also a visiting researcher at the University of Ostrava in the Czech Republic.

I have served as a member of university research ethics committees and on various international scientific boards. I am a Fellow of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports and currently serve as an executive board member and Vice President for the society. I am Associate Editor (Sports Medicine and Biomechanics) for the Journal of Sports Sciences and an editorial board member for the journal Sports Biomechanics.

My main research area focusses on biomechanical asymmetry and strength imbalance and their implications on sports performance, injury risk and rehabilitation. I have also led research projects investigating the feasibility and efficacy of new devices to improve rehabilitation and physical function.

Research Interests

My main research area focusses on biomechanical asymmetry and strength imbalance and their implications on sports performance, injury risk and rehabilitation. I also have research experience in rehabilitation monitoring, strength training transfer, motor control of skill acquisition and methodological developments within biomechanics. Through my research and consultancy, I have worked with a number of sports governing bodies, including UK Athletics, Welsh Athletics, British Gymnastics, the Rugby Football Union and the Welsh Rugby Union and with private companies.

Some research projects that I am currently involved in include:

- Gait assessment of orthotic devices in a paediatric population

- Biomechanical assessment of rehabilitation following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction (collaboration with University of Lincoln, UK & University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)

- Asymmetry of bend running (collaboration with Cardiff Metropolitan University and University of Bath, UK)

- Skill development and injury risk in artistic gymnastic (collaboration with Cardiff Metropolitan University and British Gymnastics)

- Prevalence and influence of breast movement asymmetry

- Influence of breast mass on posture and back pain

Teaching Responsibilities

Former Course Leader and Convenor:

Msc Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration)

Module Coordinator for:

Professional Development (Level 6)

Sandwich Year Work Placement (Level 6)

Former Module Coordinator for:

Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise (Level 5)

Applied Injury and Rehabilitation (Level 6)

Other teaching:

Introduction to Sport and Exercise Biomechanics (Level 4)

Biomechanics in Practice (Level 6)

Exercise and Fitness After Stroke (MSc Level 7)

Undergraduate and Masters project supervision

PhD supervision in biomechanical asymmetry, sports performance, injury and rehabilitation.


I have been appointed as an external examiner and validation panel members for undergraduate, MSc and PhD programmes throughout the UK.

Education/Academic qualification

Ph.D., Biomechanical Asymmetry in Maximal Velocity Sprint Running, Cardiff Metropolitan University

Award Date: 25 Nov 2010

BSc (Hons), Sport and Exercise Science, Cardiff Metropolitan University

Award Date: 1 Aug 2006


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    Exell, T. (Recipient), 2018

    Prize: National/international honour