ComercialiSE program sponsored by HEFCE and SEEDA runner-up Business Plan

  • Noble, Sue (Recipient)

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)


    The prize was won for the submission of a Business Plan

    Trainees from the CommercialiSE Fellows Training Programme were invited to participate in a competition to present their Business Plan to a panel made up of regional judges from Portsmouth and some of the other 10 universities who participate in the CommercialiSE programme. Three finalists were then selected to go forward to a Main Panel judged by Prof. Russell Smith of Business Boffins and Dr Tom Harris of Hi Consulting.

    Susan’s business plan impressed the judges with its social, ethical and environmental credentials. The Little Flower Craft Circle project which manages to combine the skill base of local elderly residents with the fashion savvy of design students to produce hand-knitted products has been running on an informal basis for three years. The design students take traditional products and update the designs into marketable products. These are then knitted up by the students and elderly ladies using recycled and organic wool.
    Degree of recognitionNational
