An Architecture of Hope

    Project Details


    The design module (M30639) extends beyond academia and connects with external organisations. In the past we have worked with charities/ local councils and private clients with the aim of enriching your learning. These connections provide real-life connections to facilitate a deeper understanding of your design project and the profession. These projects become important moments in your final year portfolios. This year the module will work with ideas of therapeutic architecture and the role that Architecture can play as an ‘architecture of hope’ & as a ‘breathing space’. You will be developing your own Ideas on what this could be and exploring how architecture can aid recovery. We will be working with the Maggie’s Centre charity and the new centre in Southampton designed by Amanda Levette Architects and Sarah Price Landscapes.

    Layperson's description

    Collaborative project with the Maggie's charity and the Southampton Centre. Live project opportunities for students.
    Effective start/end date1/09/217/12/22


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