EPSRC TCD Project concerning control, automation and design for effluent treatment

    Project Details


    EPSRC supported TCS with EffTech Ltd and SewTech Ltd to investigate the control, automation and design of new types of effluent treatment plants. Value = £178,596.

    Key findings

    Computer modelling of single sludge systems for the computer aided design and control of activated sludge processes.
    Prediction of flow rates and stability in large scale airlift reactors.
    Model for the prediction of liquid volumetric flow rates in large scale airlift reactors.
    Intelligent actuator based system for automatic control of a waste-water treatment plant.
    Simulation of a high recirculation airlift reactor for steady-state operation.
    Prediction of flow rates and stability in large scale airlift reactors.
    Aspects of an expert design system for the wastewater treatment industry.
    Automating the design of high-recirculation airlift reactors using a blackboard framework.
    A specific blackboard expert system to simulate and automate the design of high recirculation airlift reactors.
    Short titleEPSRC Reference: GR/J59432/01
    Effective start/end date1/01/9430/06/98


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