KTP for the design and manufacture of rehabilitation and mobility equipment.

    Project Details


    Knowledge Transfer Partnership funded by the Technology Strategy Board and Quest Enabling Designs Ltd to create a wheelchair and seating system for the next century through the creation of new integrated and modular systems for severely disabled users.

    Layperson's description

    KTP with Quest Enabling Designs Ltd to design and manufacture new rehabilitation and mobility equipment.

    Key findings


    - New advanced intelligent wheelchair systems.
    - Ways of assisting a disabled person to navigate a powered wheelchair through a doorway
    - A new prototype intelligent mobility system to assist powered wheelchair users
    - A data fusion algorithm for wheelchair navigation.
    - Computer systems and strategies to assist a disabled person with a powered wheelchair.
    - Computer assisted wheelchair systems and intelligent mobility systems.
    - Navigation systems using short term computer memory.
    - New low cost navigation systems for wheelchair user
    - A new software algorithm to mix inputs for a tele-operated vehicle
    - An integrated system for high level quadriplegicsto mountonto a Fortress 770 Powerbase.
    - Ways of using task programming for powered wheelchairs.
    - Wall following strategies and systems for powered wheelchairs
    - An improvement in real time high level micro computer control of a wheelchair using sensor systems.

    As part of the project, Mike Goodwin completed his PhD in 1999 following an investigation of automated navigation systems for a disabled wheelchair user, and Ian Stott competed his PhD in 2002 following an investigation of automated navigation systems for a disabled wheelchair user. Both were directed by DA Sanders.
    Short titleDesign and manufacture of rehabilitation and mobility equipment.
    Effective start/end date1/03/9531/01/98


    • wheelchair
    • seating
    • system
    • modular
    • disabled


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