KTP to create a new AI system to provide training across the Internet

    Project Details


    Knowledge Transfer Partnership funded by the Technology Strategy Board and Counterpoint MTC Limited to reduce training and support costs by creating a new artificial intelligence software package to answer customer queries and provide basic training delivered across the Internet.

    As part of the project, Jorge Bergasa-Suso completed his PhD in 2005 after investigating intelligent software agents for teaching across the WWW and Aleandre Lausseniere completed his PhD in 2003 after studying new music technology systems and methods to assist teachers.

    Total project worth was £87,018, including an award from Innovate UK for £60,912.00.

    Layperson's description

    Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Counterpoint MTC Limited

    Key findings


    - A new computer controlled music teaching system to assist music teachers in education.
    - A new CBT system to provide basic training across the Internet.
    - A new artificial intelligence software package to answer customer queries.
    - A caught in the act filter to assist in using the Internet
    - Way of collaborating in virtual teams over the Internet.
    Short titleIntelligent software agents for teaching on the internet
    Effective start/end date26/06/0018/03/03


    • training
    • Internet
    • customer queries
    • software package
    • artificial intelligence


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