1. Enablers for realising visions of an entrepreneurship education:
structural e.g. access to resources through sponsors and networks; and behavioural in the use of entrepreneurial behaviours such as ‘bricolage’ (Fisher, 2012), ‘creativity’ (Ward, 2004) and ‘intrapreneurship’ (Pinchot, 1985).
2. Barriers to implementing visions of entrepreneurship education:
largely institutional and structural including examples of inflexible curricula that fail to allow students to develop self-belief, entrepreneurial skills, mindsets and behaviour;
3. Tensions
Arise out of academic/practitioners, theory/practice paradoxes that have been difficult to synthesise, the paradox of ‘command-and-control’ structures of universities and a need for staff to act entrepreneurially.
4. Competency model of Leadership of Entrepreneurship in Higher Education institutional knowledge (of resources and power base), the adoption of paradoxical thinking, the recognition of abundance and the adoption of entrepreneurial behaviour.