Reconceptualising urban landscapes of work

    Project Details


    This seminar series, funded by the Urban Studies Foundation aimed to reconsider the changing spaces and places of work in the city, fuelled by the rise of self-employment, home working and the platform economy. Three seminars took place in Portsmouth (2017), Southampton (2017) and Athens (2018) and a Special Issue of the Journal Urban Studies, arising from the series was published in 2021. This Special Issue was edited by Carol Ekinsmyth and Darja Reuscke.

    Layperson's description

    A seminar series leading to publication of a special issue in the journal Urban Studies (2021)
    Effective start/end date1/03/1730/04/17


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    • New spatialities of work in the city

      Reuschke, D. & Ekinsmyth, C., 1 Aug 2021, In: Urban Studies. 58, 11, p. 2177-2187 11 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

      Open Access
      99 Downloads (Pure)