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Project Details
Scalability, affordability and adaptability are paramount to the adoption of lowcarbon fuel sources within the maritime sector. Maritime operations are paramountto the efficient movement of goods nationally and globally but are often highcontributors of CO2e emissions and air pollutants. The adoption of decentralisedenergy systems offers the potential to support the necessary transition of portsand their operations to a net-zero carbon, climate positive future. This project willdemonstrate a modular green hydrogen generation system within PortsmouthInternational Port (PIP) and deliver a decision support tool that will enable portmanagers to determine the environmental and economic use cases for hydrogengeneration and utilisation.This project will address the barriers to installing H2 electrolysers within themaritime landscape. Modular H2 electrolysers offer flexibility and adaptability toexpand production capability and utilise excess renewable electricity as it isgenerated, but the current high cap-ex costs can prohibit their adoption. This iscombined with the emerging regulatory frameworks for the generation/ storageand utilisation as a marine fuel source. The work undertaken here aims todetermine the utilisation of a modular electrolyser within an active port. A digitaltwin of the port will be created that can be reproduced for other ports: existing andemerging data from the port and its activities will be combined with the datagathered from the working electrolyser. A retrofitted common diesel outboard toutilise up to 99% H2 and 1% diesel will demonstrate a use case for the portsidehydrogen for their support fleet. The regulatory landscape around which theelectrolyser and the use of H2 in fleet vehicles will be reviewed and analysed,determining where deployment can immediately occur and where regulationsneed to be addressed.PIP is the UK's largest and most successful municipal port. PIP is committed tobecoming the first net carbon neutral UK port by 2030, and the first zero-emissionport by 2050. PIP has begun the transition to net-zero through Portsmouth CityCouncil's investment of £1.2M (1.1MW) in the installation of photovoltaicsproviding 1.1Mw, \>750kW battery storage, supported by Innovate UK, andseawater heat pumps and multiple port side EV's. Building on their currentsustainable portfolio, addressing the knowledge gaps in incorporating H2generation into their portside operations in conjunction with:regulatory requirements,incorporating fleet, vehicle and infrastructure energy requirements,alongside the operational capabilities of the H2 generating infrastructuresystem,developing transferable business models nationally and internationally.
Layperson's description
Scalability, affordability and adaptability are paramount to the adoption of lowcarbon fuel sources within the maritime sector. Maritime operations are paramountto the efficient movement of goods nationally and globally but are often highcontributors of CO2e emissions and air pollutants. The adoption of decentralisedenergy systems offers the potential to support the necessary transition of portsand their operations to a net-zero with carbon and climate positive. The 'Shipping,Hydrogen & Ports Ecosystems UK' (SHAPE UK) project aims to demonstrate anachievable modular green hydrogen generation system within PortsmouthInternational Port (PIP) delivering a decision support tool that will enable portmanagers to determine the environmental and economic use cases for hydrogengeneration and utilisation.This project will be a catalyst and early foundation programme for the SolentFreeport innovation hub to build upon. It will address the barriers to installingHydrogen (H2) generators within the maritime landscape. Modular H2electrolysers offer flexibility and adaptability to expand production capability andutilise excess renewable electricity as it is generated, but the current high cap-excosts can prohibit their adoption. This is combined with the emerging regulatoryframeworks for the generation/ storage and utilisation as a marine fuel source.The work undertaken here aims to determine the utilisation of a modularelectrolyser within an active port. A digital twin of the port will be created that canbe reproduced for other ports: existing and emerging data from the port and itsactivities will be combined with the data gathered from the working electrolyser.This software will then be utilised with key stakeholder ports across the UK todetermine the economic and environmental suitability of deploying H2 systemswithin their operations. A retrofitted common diesel outboard to utilise up to 99%H2 and 1% diesel will demonstrate a use case for the portside hydrogen for theirsupport fleet. The regulatory landscape around which the electrolyser and the useof H2 in fleet vehicles will be reviewed and analysed, determining wheredeployment can immediately occur and where regulations need to be addressed.
Short title | SHAPE UK |
Acronym | SHAPE UK |
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/09/21 → 31/03/22 |
Links | |
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