Teenage Fathers and Masculinity in South Africa

  • Salvi, Francesca (PI)
  • Brown, Chris (CoI)

Project Details


This study aims to further understand the position of young fathers in South Africa. It builds on the assumption that a consideration of fatherhood is necessary to develop a realistic understanding of how parenthood reproduces or challenges existing gender norms. Traditionally, mainstream literature understand parenthood as motherhood, mirroring a similar trend whereby gender is synonym for woman. However, gender norms appear to be shifting in South Africa, as suggested for example, by the rise of female employment and female-headed households. Focusing on young fatherhood is thus a lens through which we can, not only ascertain how individuals understand the social and cultural norms that define their options, but also understand how they contribute to redefining and changing such norms. An emphasis on building an international community revolving around the University of Portsmouth (UK) and the University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) is key to maximising the potential impact of this study.
Effective start/end date30/03/1830/03/19


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