Tensile driven fracturing in Volcano-tectonic settings: On the interplay of dyke injection and edifice stability

    Project Details


    This ongoing project aims to simulate the high pressure and high temperature processes operating during dyke movement in volcanic settings. Knowledge of this process is key to better understanding the eruption of magma, and how the stability of the edifice is influenced during the movement and emplacement of dyke swarms. Examples of unstable rock masses include volcano flank collapse problems as seen at Stromboli and El Hierro. We use a variety of methods including laboratory rock deformation and rock physics, remote sensing, and numerical situations to better understand the interaction between the ‘soft’ magma and underlying sediments (e.g. carbonates and limestones particularly in he case of Mt Etna), and the ‘harder’ basalt’s and other volcano products.

    Key findings

    We posit that the overall rock mass stability is governed not only by the ‘hard’ layers but also eye the underlying softer sediments, and the fluids (including mamas) injected into these complex layered structures. In addition, cyclical stress regimes common in volcano settings may allow damage accumulation bu build up without warning resulting in catastrophic failure with little warming.
    Effective start/end date1/04/1631/03/20


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