TRIF Fellowship Jamie Foster

Project Details


JF focuses on using fundamental physical laws and mathematical modelling to elucidate the operating principles of devices for renewable energy capture and storage. The overarching aim is to use these systematic techniques to inform improvements in practice. This work has a very clear synergy with Clean Growth. An area where JF is particularly vigorous is lithium-ion battery (LIB) development. This is a key technology in the future of vehicular transport as evidenced by JF's fruitful working relationships with General Motors Global R&D (GM), Dassault Systemes UK and members of the Faraday Institute. His work therefore has significant overlap with Transport and Logistics. The ultimate goal of such green technologies is to decrease CO2, NOx and particulate emissions, thereby mitigating environmental damage and increasing quality of life and health. This aligns JF's work with Smart Cities and Sustainability. One of the hurdles that remain to the widespread deployment of electric vehicles is the high cost of the battery; which currently constitutes around half the total cost of the vehicle. JF is working to design more long-lived LIBs to reduce the burden on recycling, giving his work harmony with Smart Design and the Circular Economy.
Effective start/end date1/08/1831/07/19


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