ʻLive your Greece in mythsʼ: reading the crisis on Athensʼ walls

Konstantinos Avramidis

    Research output: Working paper


    The emergence and the widespread usage of politicized urban art on Athensʼ
    walls, as a physical, visual and conceptual border, could be seen as one of the most emblematic manifestations of the current “state of exception” geenrated by the crisis. Through writing, each group or individual displays its demands, needs and hopes, and, in the process, transforms walls into a living communication venue. These messages are doomed to pass into oblivion, losing their communicative dimension over time. Nonetheless, by envisioning new worlds and adumbrating new potential ways of experiencing the existing, they provide a revealing glimpse into the communities which produce them. Politicized urban art is a testament to how creativity can occur in difficult times.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherProfessional Dreamers
    Number of pages18
    Publication statusPublished - 2012

    Publication series

    NameWorking Papers
    PublisherProfessional Dreamers


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