2MTF - VII. 2MASS Tully-Fisher survey final data release: distances for 2,062 nearby spiral galaxies

Tao Hong, Lister Staveley-Smith, Karen L. Masters, Christopher M. Springob, Lucas M. Macri, Barbel S. Koribalski, D. Heath Jones, Tom H. Jarrett, Aidan C. Crook, Cullan Howlett, Fei Qin

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We present the final distance measurements for the 2MASS Tully-Fisher (2MTF) survey. The final 2MTF catalogue contains 2,062 nearby spiral galaxies in the CMB frame velocity range of 600 km s−1<cz < 10, 000 km s−1 with a mean velocity of 4,805 km s−1. The main update in this release is the replacement of some archival HI data with newer ALFALFA data. Using the 2MTF template relation, we calculate the distances and peculiar velocities of all 2MTF galaxies. The mean uncertainties of the linear distance measurements are around 22% in all three infrared bands. 2MTF measurements agree well with the distances from the Cosmicflows-3 compilation, which contains 1,117 common galaxies, including 28 with SNIa distance measurements. Using distances estimated from the ‘3-bands combined’ 2MTF sample and a χ2 minimization method, we find best-fit bulk flow amplitudes of 308 ± 26 km s−1, 318 ± 29 km s−1, and 286 ± 25 km s−1at depths of RI = 20, 30 and 40 h−1Mpc, respectively, which is consistent with the ΛCDM model and with previous 2MTF results with different estimation techniques and a preliminary catalogue.
Original languageEnglish
JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Early online date23 May 2019
Publication statusEarly online - 23 May 2019


  • astro-ph.CO
  • astro-ph.GA


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