A brief survey of visual saliency detection

Inam Ullah, Muwei Jian, Sumaira Hussain, Jie Guo, Hui Yu, Xing Wang, Yilong Yin

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    Salient object detection models mimic the behavior of human beings and capture the most salient region/object from the images or scenes. This field has many important applications in both computer vision and pattern recognition tasks. Despite hundreds of models proposed in this field, it still has a large room for research. This paper demonstrates a detailed overview of the recent progress of saliency detection models in terms of heuristic-based techniques and deep learning-based techniques. We have discussed and reviewed its co-related fields, such as Eye-fixation-prediction, RGBD salient-object-detection, co-saliency object detection, and video-saliency-detection models. We have reviewed the key issues of the current saliency models and discussed future trends and recommendations. The broadly utilized datasets and assessment strategies are additionally investigated in this paper.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages41
    JournalMultimedia Tools and Applications
    Early online date13 Apr 2020
    Publication statusEarly online - 13 Apr 2020


    • saliency detection
    • visual cues
    • salient object
    • saliency model


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