A coherent triggered search for single spin compact binary coalescences in gravitational wave data

Ian Harry, Stephen Fairhurst

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In this paper we present a method for conducting a coherent search for single spin compact binary coalescences in gravitational wave data and compare this search to the existing coincidence method for single spin searches. We propose a method to characterize the regions of the parameter space where the single spin search, both coincident and coherent, will increase detection efficiency over the existing non-precessing search. We also show example results of the coherent search on a stretch of data from LIGO's fourth science run but note that a set of signal based vetoes will be needed before this search can be run to try to make detections.
Original languageEnglish
JournalClassical and Quantum Gravity
Issue number13
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jun 2011


  • gr-qc


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