A collaborative system for capturing and reusing in-context design knowledge with an integrated representation model

Gongzhuang Peng, Hongwei Wang, Heming Zhang, Yanwei Zhao, Aylmer L. Johnson

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    Current research on design knowledge capture and reuse has predominantly focused on either the codification view of knowledge or the personalisation view of knowledge, resulting in a failure to address designers’ knowledge needs caused by a lack of context of information and insufficient computational support. Precisely motivated by this gap, this work aims to address the integration of these two views into a complete, contextual and trustworthy knowledge management scheme enabled by the emerging collaborative technologies. Specifically, a knowledge model is developed to represent an integrated knowledge space, which can combine geometric model, knowledge-based analysis codes and problem-solving strategies and processes. On this basis, a smart collaborative system is also designed and developed to streamline the design process as well as to facilitate knowledge capture, retrieval and reuse as users with different roles are working on various tasks within this process. An engineering case study is undertaken to demonstrate the idea of collaborative knowledge creation and sharing and evaluate the effectiveness of the knowledge representation model and the collaborative technologies employed. As evidenced in the development and evaluation, the methods proposed are effective for capturing an integrated knowledge space and the collaborative knowledge management system not only facilitates problem-solving using knowledge-based analysis but also supplies in-context tacit knowledge captured from the communications between users throughout the design process.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)314-329
    Number of pages16
    JournalAdvanced Engineering Informatics
    Early online date5 Jan 2017
    Publication statusPublished - 13 Sept 2017


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