A comparative study of total productive maintenance (TPM) implementation in China and Egypt

Noha Salem, S. El Araby, Z. El-Kahlout, Barbara Savage

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    In the move to world-class manufacturing (WCM) many firms are realizing a critical need for effective maintenance of production facilities and systems. (WCM) can only be achieved through an organisation adopting a system of continuous improvement and relentless pursuit of the elimination of wastes which can all be delivered through implementing Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Traditionally, maintenance has been considered as a support function that was unproductive and adding little value to the business However, production systems have undergone major changes in recent years. TPM is a Japanese concept and implementing it in a developing country such as Egypt is faced with many challenges. The gravity and importance of these challenges vary from organisation to organisation depending on the local culture, people, values of the company, style of management etc. The culture must constantly support the business initiatives. Left unattended, the two will lose their harmony and may make the business less efficient. This paper will present a comparative study for the implementation of TPM in two different contexts. The first is a Chinese company that manufactures semiconductor assembly equipment and lead frames using high precision machinery while the second is an Egyptian company which a specialist for Automotive Brake Components. The comparison focuses on items such as cultural issue, organisational environment and management style. The main purpose of this comparison is to emphasize the importance of top management support in the success of TPM implementation whatever context it is being implemented in. It is not however an indication of the state of TPM implementation in all Egyptian and Chinese companies implementing TPM.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2006
    Event11th World Congress on Total Quality Management - Wellington, New Zealand
    Duration: 4 Dec 20066 Dec 2006


    Conference11th World Congress on Total Quality Management
    Country/TerritoryNew Zealand


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