A comparison of the core values of UK public sector organisations and the EFQM excellence model

Debbie Reed, Barbara Savage

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    Following UK government interest in the measurement and monitoring of the public sector, it was suggested that the EFQM Excellence Model® might provide a means for holistic organisational evaluation and improvement. Despite its long history in the private sector, doubts were expressed as to its suitability for public sector use. Fundamental to the EFQM Excellence Model® are its core values. Hence, it was important to establish whether these core values matched those of the public sector. Thus a set of UK public sector organisations was consulted to establish what their core values were. This paper reviews the profile of the organisations that made up the study group. It then discusses the core values discovered in the study organisations. Finally, these public sector core values are compared with the core values of the EFQM Excellence Model.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationChange management: proceedings of the 7th international conference on ISO 9000 & TQM
    EditorsS. Ho, J. Dalrymple
    PublisherHong Kong Baptist University
    Number of pages332
    ISBN (Print)9628610767
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 2002


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