A critical appraisal of motives underpinning managerial capture of employee voice in Nigeria’s petroleum and banking sectors

Emeka Oruh, Chima Mordi, Chigozie Ugwoji

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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    This study is a critical appraisal of managerial capture of employee voice in unionised and non-unionised employee representation (NERs) setting, by empirically gauging how employees’ voice is marginalised/suppressed via the instrumentality of managerialism, which underpins motive for such nature and process of employer-employee relationship and engagement. Using the lens of selected firms in Nigeria’s petroleum and banking sectors, this study hopes to deepen insights into ‘‘critical turn’’ to employment relations practices (and employee voice literature) as proposed by Karen Legge via critical discourse analysis (CDA) of empirical data gathered from interviews with managerial and non-managerial staffs across three organisations from the above sectors. Essentially, CDA enables relational analysis to locate association existing amongst lexical elements, organisational discourses (such as employee engagement, voice and empowerment) and broader cultural, institutional, political and social issues including patrimony, corruption, lack of collegiality and poor corporate-stakeholder relations, which are antithetical to employee voice in Nigeria. Consequently, this study demonstrates that the motives underpinning how Nigerian organisations engage employees in employment relations are rather self-seeking (organisational economic and strategic interests), non-participatory and exclusive, which finds expression in managerial capture of employees’ voice, a metonymy for disengagement, disempowerment and lack of representation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationBAM 2017 Conference Proceedings
    PublisherBritish Academy of Management
    Publication statusPublished - 6 Sept 2017
    Event31st Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management: BAM 2017 - Warwick, United Kingdom
    Duration: 5 Sept 20177 Sept 2017


    Conference31st Annual Conference of the British Academy of Management
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    Internet address


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